Scepanotrocha simplex, whirling specimen from (1); optical median section. The stomach is filled with food pellets. In contrast to the tongue-like thickening between the trochal columns of Scepanotrocha simplex var. this morphotype has a dent between the trochal columns (see images below).(1) |
Scepanotrocha simplex, four aspects of the anterior part; different focus planes. Lower right: specimen withretracted corona, showing the rostrum with divided rostrum lamella. |
Scepanotrocha simplex, whirling specimen; optical median section. The stomach is filled with food pellets. In contrast to the tongue-like thickening between the trochal columns of Scepanotrocha simplex var. this morphotype has a dent between the trochal columns (see images below).(1) |
Scepanotrocha simplex, whirling specimen; the hood (the fringe is marked by arrowheads) covers the trochal discs completely (left image). The arrow points to the conspicuous dent on the sulcus. This dent is also visible in the upper image. Right image: ramate trophi with dental formula 9/9. (1) |
Scepanotrocha simplex, whirling specimen; the arrowhead points to the dent between the trochal discs. (1) |
Scepanotrocha simplex, creeping specimen. |
Scepanotrocha simplex, creeping specimen, anterior part, rostrum, ventral view (crop of the above image). |
Identification by courtesy of Nataliia Iakovenko, University of Ostrava, Czech republic. |
Location: Hattingen Oberstüter, beech forest (1); |
Habitat: moss on tree (1); |
Date: coll. 16.08.2014; img.:26.08.2014 (1); |